Specific detailed information about the Region can be found in Study Area Data.  From the Regions screen, click the View Region Details button or click the name of the region. Note that all the data in Region Details is nominal; it is not adjusted for inflation.


The Study Area Data tab has seven dashboards for exploring the data behind IMPLAN.


This dashboard shows Study Area Industry totals for the nominal values for the calendar year of the data in the Selected Region.

  • Total Output =  the value of Industry production, which is equal to sales plus net inventory change
  • Wage and Salary Employment = an Industry-specific mix of full-time, part-time, and seasonal employment excluding proprietors
  • Employee Compensation = the total payroll cost of the employee including wages and salaries, and all benefits
  • Proprietor Employment = an Industry-specific mix of full-time, part-time, and seasonal proprietor employment; excluding wage and salary employment
  • Proprietor Income = current-production income of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and tax-exempt cooperatives
  • Other Property Income = Gross Operating Surplus minus Proprietor Income
  • Taxes on Production and Imports = includes sales and excise taxes, customs duties, property taxes, motor vehicle licenses, severance taxes, other taxes, and special assessments


This dashboard is a broader view of Industry contribution to the Selected Region, combining some Industry Detail values into higher classifications. 

  • Total Employment = an Industry-specific mix of full-time, part-time, and seasonal employment including both Wage and Salary Employment and Proprietor Employment
  • Total Output =  the value of Industry production, which is equal to sales plus net inventory change
  • Total Intermediate Inputs = purchases of non-durable goods and services that are used to produce other goods and services rather than for final consumption
  • Total Value Added = the difference between an Industry's or establishment's total Output and the cost of its Intermediate Inputs; it is a measure of the contribution to GDP
  • Labor Income = all forms of Employment income, including Employee Compensation (wages, salaries, and benefits) and Proprietor Income


This dashboard breaks down Commodity consumption for all aggregated Institutions in the Study Area.

  • Sum of Households = Household consumption
  • Sum of Federal Government = Federal Government consumption
  • Sum of State and Local Government = State and Local Government consumption
  • Capital = consumption from capital
  • Inventory = consumption from inventory
  • Domestic Exports = consumption of domestic exports
  • Foreign Exports = consumption of foreign exports


This dashboard breaks down Commodity consumption for each of the nine Household categories based on cumulative income. It shows how much of each Commodity is consumed by each Household type within the Selected Region. 

  • Households LT15k = local consumption by Households earning less than $15,000
  • Households 15-30k = local consumption by Households earning between $15,000 - $30,000
  • Households 30-40k = local consumption by Households earning between $30,000 - $40,000
  • Households 40-50k = local consumption by Households earning between $40,000 - $50,000
  • Households 50-70k = local consumption by Households earning between $50,000 - $70,000
  • Households 70-100k = local consumption by Households earning between $70,000 - $100,000
  • Households 100-150k = local consumption by Households earning between $100,000 - $150,000
  • Households 150-200k = local consumption by Households earning between $150,000 - $200,000
  • Households GT200k = local consumption by Households earning more than $200,000
  • Total = local consumption by all Households


This dashboard divides state & local and federal governmental consumption of Commodities into three categories for each level of government. 

  • Federal Government Nondefense = local consumption by the Federal Government for nondefense
  • Federal Government Defense = local consumption by the Federal Government for defense
  • Federal Government Investment = local investment by the Federal Government
  • State and Local Government Noneducation = local consumption by State and Local Government for non education
  • State and Local Government Education = local consumption by State and Local Government for education
  • State and Local Government Investment = local investment by State and Local Government


The following categories of data with examples represent the totality of our expanded demographics data release. This is in addition to the standard offering for demographic data, which includes, for each region and year, the number of households by 9 income categories, land area, population, in-commuting rates, and out-commuting rates.

  • Age & Sex = 36 Categories
  • Race & Ethnicity = 16 Categories
  • Language Spoken at Home = 9 Categories
  • Population Ages 18-24, Achieved Education = 4 Categories
  • Population 25 years and over, Achieved Education = 7 Categories
  • Housing – Occupancy and Vacancy Status = 9 Categories
  • Labor Force Participation Rate & Unemployment Rate – Age = 10 Categories
  • Labor Force Participation Rate & Unemployment Rate – Race = 8 Categories 


This dashboard shows the average per worker values for components of Output. It is calculated as the value divided by Employment.

  • Output per worker =  average value of Industry production, which is equal to sales plus net inventory change per Employee
  • Labor Income per worker = average Employment income, including Employee Compensation and Proprietor Income, per Employee
  • Employee Compensation per Wage & Salary worker* = average total payroll cost of Wage and Salary Employees per Employee
  • Proprietor Income per Proprietor* = average current-production income of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and tax-exempt cooperatives per Employee per Employee
  • Taxes on Production and Imports per worker = average sales and excise taxes, customs duties, property taxes, motor vehicle licenses, severance taxes, other taxes, and special assessments per Employee
  • Other Property Income per worker = average Gross Operating Surplus minus Proprietor Income per Employee

*These values will differ from the Per Worker ratios used in the Customize Region Menu.


The title bar displayed across the top of each Study Area table contains buttons that can change the viewing attributes of the table. Column titles act as sorting buttons. Initially most views are sorted by Industry or Commodity code in ascending value (first row is 1 last row is 528). To change the way all fields in the table are arranged, click on the title of the desired column. All data in the table will be sorted in descending order (highest values listed at the top of the table) relative to the column title. To change how the data is sorted, click on another field. When the view has been sorted by a column other than Industry Code, the selected column title will appear with an arrow to its right indicating that the table has been sorted by this column header.


The download function allows data to be exported as a CSV or PDF by clicking on the Dashboard Actions icon in the upper right corner of the table.


This will prompt a popup. Click download.



Written August 30, 2023

Updated December 10, 2024