Unlock the Black Box: Discover Region Details


This article outlines all data found in Region Details. The data within the Region Details is the basis for all IMPLAN analyses, no black boxes here. 


This is the first page users will see upon accessing Region Details. Here there will be an overview of the Selected Region including how many of the IMPLAN Industries exist in the region, total values for components of the Leontief Production Function (LPF), population, and the number of households.

  • Region Highlights
  • Study Area Regions included in the Selected Region
  • Components of Value Added
  • Components of Final Demand
  • By Industry:
    • Total Employment (Wage and Salary Employment + Proprietors)
    • Labor Income (Employee Compensation + Proprietor Income)
    • Output
    • Average Employee Compensation per Wage & Salary Employee 
    • Average Proprietor Income per Proprietor  


This section provides more detail for each Industry, such as the breakout of Wage & Salary Employment and Proprietor Employment, all the components of the Leontief Production Function, and additional Industry-based ratios. This section also contains information about each Industry’s and Institution’s demand for each Commodity and some area demographics. The following list describes all the sub-sections in the Study Area Data section and their component data items. 

  • Industry Detail 
    • Output
    • Wage & Salary Employment
    • Proprietor Employment
    • Components of Value Added
  • Industry Summary
    • Total Employment
    • Leontief Production Function Summary
    • Total Output
    • Total Intermediate Inputs
    • Total Value Added
    • Labor Income
  • Institution Commodity Demand (high level summary, local and nonlocal demand)
  • Household Commodity Demand (local and nonlocal demand)
  • Government Commodity Demand (local and nonlocal demand)
  • Area Demographics (not available for all Industry sets & Data Years)
    • Land Area & Population
    • Number of Households by Income group
    • Age & Sex
    • Language Spoken at Home
    • Regional Employee Wage & Salary Income
    • Resident Wage & Salary Income by Place of Work
    • Housing: Occupancy & Vacancy
    • Race & Ethnicity
    • Educational Attainment
    • Labor Force Participation Rate: by Age & by Race
    • Unemployment Rate: by Age & by Race
  • Industry Averages
    • Average Output Per Worker
    • Averages Per Worker for the components of VA 



This section digs deeper into the supply and demand of Commodities in the Region. Here we find data on the regional availability and regional use of Commodities. 

  • Commodity Summary 
    • Commodity Summary (Commodity Supply/Demand data)
      • Industry Commodity Production
      • Institutional Commodity Production
      • Total Commodity Supply (Industry Production + Institutional Production)
      • Local Use of Local Supply (Total Commodity Supply less Foreign and Domestic Exports)
      • Intermediate Commodity Demand (total demand for this Commodity by local Industries)
      • Institutional Commodity Demand (total demand for this Commodity by local Institutions)
      • Total Gross Commodity Demand (Intermediate Demand + Institutional Demand)
      • Domestic Supply/Demand Ratio (the percentage of total local demand for the Commodity that could possibly be met by local production)
    • Commodity Averages Summary
  • Commodity Trade
    • Exports by Commodity (Domestic, Foreign, Industry, and Institutional)
    • Imports by Commodity (Domestic, Foreign, Intermediate, and Institutional)
  • Institution Local Commodity Demand (demand by local institutions that is met by local supply)
  • Household Local Commodity Demand (demand by each local household income category, that is met by local supply)
  • Government Local Commodity Demand (demand by each local government Institution that is met by local supply) 


The Balance Sheets provide more detail on the purchase and supply of Commodities and allow users to explore production/sales and demand in the Region by Commodity or Industry. In the Industry Balance Sheet, the Value Added and Commodity Demand sections combine to make up the full LPF for each Industry. In the Commodity Balance Sheets, we’ll find the Industries and Institutions that demand that Commodity in addition to the Industries and Institutions that produce and/or sell that Commodity. 

  • Industry Balance Sheet (filter by Industry)
  • Commodity Balance Sheet  (filter by Commodity)
    • Industry-Institutional Production
      • Institution Production
      • Regional Market Share
      • Byproduct Coefficient 
    • Industry Demand
      • Regional Purchasing Coefficient (RPC)
      • Gross Absorption
      • Gross Inputs
      • Regional Absorption
      • Regional Inputs
    • Institutional Demand
      • Regional Purchasing Coefficient (RPC)
      • Gross Demand
      • Regional Demand 


This section details the Industry by Commodity (IxC) Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). These tables are where non-Industry transactions and the summation for all Industries in the Region are shown. Dig deeper into the SAM by watching the Link & Learn Fun with Uncle SAM. The IxC SAM reflects purchases on a Commodity basis (Commodity row), whereas the IxI reflects purchases on an Industry basis (Industry row).  



These tables explore demand for Industries by Institutions in the Region. Think of each of these tables as the respective Local Commodity Demand table under Social Accounts converted from an Institution by Commodity table to an Institution by Industry/Institution table.

  • Institution Industry Demand
  • Household Industry Demand
  • Government Industry  Demand
  • Industry Output/Outlay Summary
    • Total Outlay = Intermediate Outlay + Institutional Outlay + Intermediate Imports + Value Added
    • Total Output = Intermediate Output + Final Demand


This section details the Industry by Industry (IxI) Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). The IxI matrix reflects transactions in terms of Industries as rows and columns. Therefore, instead of a Commodity row, these local Commodity purchases are allocated to the producers as Industry and Institution rows. Because of this, Institutions will include payments found in the IxC SAM, plus the payments to these Institutions due to Institutional production of Commodities. Dig deeper into the SAM by watching the Link & Learn Fun with Uncle SAM.


All of the underlying Region Details from the first four tabs are incorporated into the calculation of the Multipliers. Multipliers and Per Million Dollar Effects are available for Output, Employment, Labor Income, Total Value Added, and the four components of Value Added (Employee Compensation, Proprietor Income, Other Property Income, and Taxes on Production and Imports). Detailed Multipliers breakout an Industry’s Summary Multiplier by Industry. Therefore, instead of the total Effect per Direct Effect, it shows the Effect to each industry per Direct Effect. 

  • Summary Multipliers (relative cumulative effect per additional unit of the given economic indicator)
  • Detailed Multipliers (by Industry effect per additional unit of the given economic indicator) (filter by Industry)
  • Per Million Dollar Effects (relative cumulative effect per $1M of additional Output) 


The Occupation Data header contains information about all of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) data in the chosen Region. This dataset shows estimates of occupation employment, wages, hours, and core competencies which include knowledge, skills, abilities, education, work experience, and on-the-job training levels.

  • Region Occupation Summary
  • Region Occupation Averages
  • Industry Occupation Detail
  • Industry Occupation Averages
  • Core Competencies
    • Region Summary
    • Industry Summary
    • Occupation Summary 


The Environmental Data in Region Details contains information about the Selected Region and Data Year. A user can examine the totals for each Environmental Category by Industry or by detailed Environment Category. The Region Environmental Details provides users with the Units per Dollar of Output and Environmental Output associated with the Environment Names and Environment Contexts in a filtered Environment Category. Damages from Greenhouse Gases gives users the ability to view Greenhouse Gas Emissions as the Global Warming Potential over 20, 100, and 1000 years by Industry. Damages from Land use shows Annual Crop Equivalents and Species Years by Industry.

  • Region Environmental Summary
  • Region Environmental Details
  • Damages from Greenhouse Gases
  • Damages from Land Use


Fun with Uncle SAM



Digging into the Data


Written August 30, 2023

Updated December 17, 2024