IMPLAN has added its Occupation by Industry data to the IMPLAN application and Data Library. These datasets show estimates of Occupational Employment, wages, hours, and core competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities, education, work experience, and on-the-job training levels) for each of 800+ distinct occupations. Occupation data is available for all U.S.-based models, including models of combined regions, aggregated industry models, and customized models. These data are not available for the Canada Provincial or International Industry Sets.
There are two different ways of viewing the Occupation Data in the application: Regional Occupation Data and Occupation Impact Data. Regional Occupation Data shows the occupations, wages, and core competencies that are already present in the region you are studying. You can find this data in Region Details in the Occupation Data tab. Occupation Impact Data shows the details for the occupations, Wages, and core competencies that accompany your specific impact or contribution.
First, you will need to access your IMPLAN account. From the project tile, click New Project in the top right of the screen.
A popup window will appear to create a new project. The Industry Set should be set to the 546 Industries. This Industry Set is specifically for the U.S. and U.S. Territories data. After the correct Industry Set is selected, name the project, then click Create Project.
After creating the Project, the Regions screen will appear in the Map View of the U.S. Select a Region by clicking on the map, using the Search Bar, or from the List View.
There are three areas where Occupation Data can be accessed in IMPLAN; Regions Details, Data Library, and Project Results.
The tables located in the Regions Details provide insight into the model Region’s occupation makeup. Descriptions of the data found here are detailed in our Occupation Data - Region Details article. The same data can also be accessed from the Data Library for all U.S. states and counties.
The Occupation Impact Data shows the details for the Occupations, Wages, and Core Competencies that accompany your specific impact or contribution in the Results tab. Descriptions of the data found here are detailed in our Occupation Data article.
- The Occupation Impact Tab opens the Occupation Impacts screen containing a single table detailing regional employment and wage impacts by-occupation. Use the Filters to limit results to desired Region, Group, Event, and Industry. The Filter can also be used to select a different occupation aggregation level.
- The Occupation Impact Averages tab opens the Occupation Impacts screen containing a single table detailing the average regional employment and wage impacts by-occupation. Use the Filters to limit results to desired Region, Group, Event, and Industry. The Filter can also be used to select a different occupation aggregation level.
- Core Competency opens the Competency Impacts screen containing tables for each core competency category (Ability, Knowledge, Skills, Education Required, Work Experience Required, On-the-Job Training Required). Use the Filters to limit results to desired Region, Group, Event, Industry, and occupation. The filter can also be used to select a different occupation aggregation level.
There are four main sources for the IMPLAN Occupation Data. The most recent data years for each are utilized for each Data Year.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS)
- Provides data on employment and wages by occupation and by industry
- Released annually
- BLS Employment Projections national industry by occupation matrix
- Provides data on employment by occupation and by industry for some industries not covered by OEWS (Commercial fishing, Commercial Hunting and Trapping, Private Households)
- Released biennially (though an additional release was made in 2019)
- Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS)
- Provides data on hours worked by employer type, occupation, and industry
- Released annually
- O*NET™ is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
- Provides data on knowledge, skills, abilities, education, work experience, and on-the-job training by occupation.
- A new database version is released whenever updates are made.
IMPLAN Occupation Data Year | OEWS | BLS | PUMS | O*NET |
2018 | 2018 | 2018 | 2018 | Version 24.2 |
2019 | 2019 | 2019 | 2019 | Version 25.1 |
2020 | 2020 | 2020 | 2020 | Version 26.1 |
2021 | 2021 | 2020 | 2021 | Version 27.1 |
2022 | 2022 | 2022 | 2022 | Version 28.1 |
Occupation data can be used to examine a study area to gain important insights into a Region’s existing labor force, the skill requirements of various Industries, and more. The Occupation Data can also be seen in the Results of any impact or contribution analysis run within the IMPLAN application.
The data levels generally correspond to the BLS’s Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes. Major is the most aggregated, followed by Minor, Broad, and Detail. All data is based on national averages but brought to the regional level in IMPLAN by applying national level ratios to the regional industry mix. As with Employment, you may see fractional Occupations, especially for small firms where a few employees are spread across multiple Occupations.
The SOC categorizes occupations into several levels of detail, including 800+ detailed occupations which comprise 400+ broad groups, ~100 minor groups, and 23 major groups. For example, the 2018 occupation data had the following occupation counts by level:
Level | Name | Records | Example |
Total | All occupations | 1 | All Occupations |
Major | 2-digit | 23 | 51-0000 - Production Occupations |
Minor | 3-digit | 96 | 51-7000 - Woodworkers |
Broad | 4-digit | 459 | 51-7030 - Model Makers and Patternmakers, Wood |
Detail | 5-digit | 823 | 51-7032 - Patternmakers, Wood |
Occupational data are reported for the Wage and Salary Employment component of Total Employment only, and therefore only for the Employee Compensation component of Labor Income. Proprietors are excluded from occupation-related data. This maintains consistency with OEWS’ coverage of “employees” only.
Exploring Occupation Data in IMPLAN
Adding Occupation Details to your Analysis!
Production of IMPLAN's Occupation Data
A First Look at the 2020 Occupation Data in IMPLAN
Occupations: Examining Potential Job Losses
Occupation Data - Region Details
Updated January 2, 2024