IMPLAN has a section of Pre-built Dashboards in the Data Library that we like to call Footprint. The Dashboards available in Data Library Footprint are useful for studying Employment within an Industry or Occupation for a given Region. This article will walk through how to locate the Footprint and the data points available there.


From the IMPLAN Data Library welcome page, navigate the top ribbon to find Dashboards, Explores, Looks, Local Area, and Footprint!



The Jobs by Industry/Occupation from 2010 Dashboard is tailored to those who are interested in studying an Industry/Occupation’s Footprint within a single county or state. In the Jobs by Industry/Occupation from 2010 Dashboard, users can filter on Dollar Type, Data/Dollar Year, State, County, Occupation Data Year, Occupation Level, Aggregation Scheme, Industry, and Occupation to get the following data tiles: 

  • 10 Year Wage & Salary Employment Growth is a table meant to provide some quick Measures for Employment over a 10 year period.  This table will have the most recent 10 Data Years available as rows. Columns/Data points include Total National Employment, Total National Employment by Industry & Occupation, Total State Employment, Total Regional Employment, Total Regional Employment by Industry & Occupation, State Employment Location Quotient, and National Employment Location Quotient.
  • Industry/Occupation Share of Wage & Salary Employment is a line chart meant to show the trend of an Industry or Occupation’s share of Total Wage and Salary Employment in the filtered Region as compared to the state/nation over a 10 year period.  The visualization includes three trendlines: 10 year trendline for the Industry/Occupation’s share of Total Regional W&S Employment, 10 year trendline for the Industry/Occupation’s share of Total State W&S Employment and a 10 year trendline for the Industry/Occupation’s share of Total National W&S Employment.
  • Wage & Salary Employment Location Quotient Trend is a line chart meant to show the trend of an Industry or Occupation’s share of Total Employment in the filtered Region as compared to the nation over a 10 year period. This visualization has two trendlines: 10 year trendline for the Industry/Occupation’s State Employment Location Quotients and a 10 year trendline for the Industry/Occupation’s National Employment Location Quotients.


The Top Industry/Occupation Dashboard Dashboard is a great option to quickly view the Top Industries and Occupations within a region. From the Top Industry/Occupation Dashboard users can filter on Dollar Type, Data/Dollar Year, State, County, Aggregation Scheme, Occupation Data Year, Occupation Level, Aggregation Scheme, Industry, and Occupation to get two data tiles 

  • Industries is a table meant to show the user a quick way to view important Measures for Industries within the filtered Region. The Visualization displays each Industry as a row, with columns for Output, Total Employment, and Total Value Added. Leave the Industry filter blank to see all Industries populated in this table. 
  • Occupations is a table meant to show the user a quick way to view important Measures for Occupations within the filtered Region. The Visualization displays each Occupation as a row, with columns for Wage and Salary Employment, Average Wage and Salary Income, and Average Wage and Salary Income per hour. 


IMPLAN Data Library

Explores - Looks - Dashboards

Location Quotient

What can a Location Quotient do for you?

Written August 30, 2023