IMPLAN has launched an improved option for comparing data across regions, industries, and even time! Data Library is an IMPLAN data product powered by Looker that allows users to produce data queries and reports.
The 2023 Data Year, which utilizes the 528 Industry Set, is not currently available in Data Library. The 528 Industry Set is specifically for the U.S. data in the 2023 Data Year at this time. All previous Data Years currently available in Data Library (2001-2022) will require the use of the 546 Industries Set until the release of the updated IMPLAN 528 Industry Set time series data (coming in 2025).
Access includes all of the following Data Library Sections for the all county and state level data throughout the United States for available IMPLAN Data Years (2001 - current year, unless otherwise noted below):
Commodity Data |
Commodity Data include, for each region, Data Year, and Commodity:
Core Competency Data |
Core Competency Data include, for each Occupation:
Core Competency can also be viewed by Industry and by region. This section also includes Location Quotients for each Competency. 2018 to current year Core Competency ratios can be applied to all IMPLAN Data Years from 2001 to current year. |
Deflator Data |
Deflator Data includes Deflators for all Data Years for Dollar Years 1997 - 2060. This Data contains Deflators for:
Demographic Data |
The Demographic data include, for each region and year:
Data Library also has an expanded Demographic Dashboard, which includes the following for all US Counties and States:
Employment & Wages by NAICS (Imputed CEW Data)
The Employment & Wages by NAICS Data include the Census of Employment and Wages (CEW) data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) with added imputed values for non-disclosures. Choose the level of granularity by selecting from NAICS levels two digit through six digit. This data includes, for each NAICS:
Environmental Data |
Environmental Data include, for each Industry, the ratio of physical environment unit value per dollar of Output. This information has been applied to Industry Output across all regions, producing the amount of each Environmental indicator for each region, year and Industry. Environmental Categories include:
Environmental ratios are applied to all available IMPLAN Data Years. |
Industry Data |
The Industry Data include the following, for each region, year, and Industry:
Occupation Data |
Occupation Data include the following for each Occupation Classification:
Regional Occupation data is a reflection of the mix of Industries in the region. 2018 to current year Occupational ratios can be applied to all IMPLAN Data Years from 2001 to current year. |
Tax Data |
The Tax Data include, for each region and year:
This data provides details on regional tax authorities. Tax Data is available for Data Years 2001 - current year. |
Trade Flow Data |
IMPLAN’s domestic Trade Flow Data, for each region, and year, include:
From the Data Library tile on the IMPLAN Dashboard users will be directed to the Data Library Welcome Page. The sections of the Welcome Page provides high level information to help users get started using Data Library:
- “What data is in the library?” click on a data category for a more in depth overview of what can be found there
- “Welcome to Data Library” details the difference between Dashboards and Explores
“How to use Data Library” outlines three key steps to follow whenever using Dashboards or Explores
- Select a Data Type
- Configure your query
- Run your query
Data Library consists of three main tabs in addition to the welcome page: Dashboards, Explores, and Looks.
- Dashboards: collection of tiles with an answer to a particular question; answer to related Looks on one page (a collection of data query visualizations)
- Explores: where users build and run data queries in Looker by filtering, selecting, and pivoting Dimensions and Measures
- Looks: saved reports; results of a data query
- If you are looking for more in-depth resources offered by Looker please refer to the following:
Data Library also has two additional sections of Pre-built Dashboards: Local Area and Footprint. The information gathered in the Local Area dashboards encapsulates various data topics to aid local area researchers in understanding a broader view of the local economy. The Dashboards available in Data Library Footprint are useful for studying Employment within an Industry or Occupation for a given Region. Read more in our support articles, Local Area Dashboards and Footprint Dashboards.
Occupation Data in Data Library
Updated December 18, 2024