Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 7.5 released on November 9th, 2023.


  • In-app notifications will now appear in IMPLAN and are accessible with the bell icon in the upper right corner. A blue dot signifies there are unread notifications. Users will be notified of the following statuses: Pending, In Progress, Complete, or Error.


  • Users will now be able to edit a Commodity’s RPC for a Region from the Customize Region menu in the Region Details. Users can Customize RPCs on a previously Combined or Customized Region if there have only been Industry customizations. Once RPC customizations are made, that Region can no longer be customized. Each customization will create a new Customized Region that is saved to the Combined & Customized Region List. 
  • Region Detail Data in Social Accounts > Reports > Commodity Trade now has two tables, one for Commodity Exports and the other for Commodity Imports. With this change, Domestic Imports and Foreign Imports columns were added to the Commodity Imports Table.


  • IMPLAN will warn a user before they run a Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) analysis if it includes a Customized Region. Industry and Commodity RPC Customization can affect the Region Purchase Coefficients (RPCs) and Region Supply Coefficients (RSCs) for a single Region. However, these changes do not affect the underlying trade data used to calculate the effects from any linked Region in an MRIO analysis.
  • MRIO analysis requires that there be at least two Groups in the same Data Year with at least two distinct Regions. IMPLAN will disable the MRIO checkbox when this requirement is not met. For example two groups, Texas 2021 and North Carolina 2021, vs Texas 2021  and North Carolina 2020. The first will work with MRIO, the second will not. It will also be disabled if Groups contain Congressional Districts from different Congresses (116th vs. 118th). 
  • The Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event Type (IIA) is now available for 2015 and 2018 International Projects.
    • International IIA Events will require the selection of a Region, in order to apply that country’s Spending Pattern to the analysis.
    • At least one dollar value field needs to be entered in an International IIA Event. Currently, users will not be able to only enter the Employment value for an International IIA Event. The option to enter only Employment as the IIA Event Value will be enabled in the next release. 

Spending Patterns

  • Fixed a bug in the Custom Spending Patterns’ Advanced modal. It will no longer revert to its original values after the second edit. 
  • Resetting the Spending Pattern in an IIA Event will revert values used in analysis.


  • We have increased the download limit size for downloading files from the Download tab on the Results page, such as the Detailed Economic Indicators, from 100MB to allow for successful downloads of Results in larger Projects. 
  • In-App Guides within the "Get Started" section of the Dashboard is now available for users who have elected to opt in. If you would like to opt-in to see the In-App Guides, please contact support@implan.com.


  • Environmental Release Version 2023 is now available. The Environmental Data for 2023 differs from the previous Environmental Data Release in 2019. For all new updates, please see the Environmental Release Notes.

Data Library 

  • Environmental Release Version 2023 is now available in Data Library.


  • Impact API Environment Export Endpoints have been updated to Support Environmental Release Version 2023.
  • Social Accounting Matrices (IxI and IxC) in Region Details are now available in the API for export.


Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 7.4 released on August 30th, 2023.


  • IMPLAN has redesigned the layout of the Dashboard and implemented a vertical navigation bar..
    • The vertical navigation bar contains the Regions, Impacts, Results, Projects, and Data Library (if purchased).
    • The Dashboard includes four new widgets; Get Started, Recent Projects, Education, and Advanced Tools.
      • Get Started links to IMPLAN’s support site to guide novice users through an analysis.
      • Recent Projects displays the most recent projects opened and allows users to start a new project.
      • Education provides direct access to our support site, product updates, as well as direct contact with our support team.
      • Advanced Tools is the new location for creating Custom Spending Patterns and accessing Industry Aggregation
    • The Support site at support.implan.com has been reorganized and redesigned to include changes to IMPLAN’s user interface.


  • 118th Congressional District data was added into the 2021 data in IMPLAN and is available for all current subscribers 
  • The name for Turkey in the International Data has been updated to Turkiye to match the official name update.
  • The 2021 Demographic data has been updated in the Data Library.


  • There is a new warning to let users know a few minutes before the session is about to timeout so that work can be saved.
  • The Events and Group Scaling feature now allows up to two digits after the decimal. Event Scaling is automatically locked and must be unlocked by a user to overwrite the default value of 1. 
  • The Event Template has new warnings to better assist a proper upload into IMPLAN. 
    • A new warning will display stating that margins will be set to the default SAM, as LPP cannot be adjusted through the Event Template. 


  • The Detailed Tax Results Download will now include all categories of taxes divided up by section: (Federal, State, County, Sub County (Special Districts), and Sub County (General).
  • An Industry that has been added to a Region will now correctly have impacts shown when using Commodity Events. 

Spending Patterns

  • Custom Spending Patterns can be filtered in the Spending Pattern tile. 
  • When saving a Custom Spending Pattern, it will default to the “Save As” feature allowing you to create a new name for the spending pattern. 

Data Library 

  • The 2021 Demographic data has been reuploaded to the Data Library and has been updated for greater usability with Explores and Dashboards.


Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 7.3 released on June 21st, 2023.


  • There are new warnings to indicate that your session is about to time out or that your session has been timed out due to inactivity on IMPLAN Cloud.


  • IMPLAN has reloaded the 2019-2021 zip code and Congressional District data to reflect adjusted household counts.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the 2018 United States (US Totals) region to not load properly. 


  • Users will now get a warning when trying to change the event type after the event has been edited. After editing an event, IMPLAN will warn the user that by changing the type all edited fields will be lost.
  • There is a new warning to indicate that changes will be lost when editing a commodity in the edit margin modal. If you edit the data year or reset edited values, a warning will display to let you know that the changes will be lost to edited fields. 
  • Fixed an issue which limited the duplicating of events to nine occurrences.


  • Improvements were made to multi-regional input-output (MRIO) analysis. When a user runs a Commodity Output Event during an MRIO, a portion of the production will now be applied to any linked Region based on Commodity Trade flows. This will result in Indirect and Induced Effects for the linked Region and a potential increase in Indirect and Induced from the host Region.

Spending Patterns

  • A Spending Pattern tile will appear on the IMPLAN dashboard. This feature will give users the ability to create and save custom spending patterns for an industry or institution for use in any project. Any Spending Patterns edited while on the Impacts page can also be saved as a custom spending pattern for future use by selecting the save as option. 
  • Along with the ability to save a custom spending pattern, users can select to use a “Custom Spending Pattern” as an Event Type. This Event Type will utilize any previously customized spending patterns for use in a current project. For more information, check out our new
  • Custom Spending Pattern article! 


Data Library

  • Data Library default data year has been updated to 2021 and the default dollar year has been updated to 2023.


  • The US 546 aggregation scheme now defaults to the 2021 Occupation data. This can be changed in the user preferences section.


Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 7.2 released on April 26, 2023.


  • In IMPLAN’s U.S.-based 546 Aggregation Scheme, Industry 492’s description has been updated to: 492 - Residential intellectual disability, mental health, substance abuse and other facilities.
  • Warnings messages on the site have been updated for consistency and uniformity. 


  • The issue with users receiving an “Unpurchased Region” warning has been resolved. Users can access all Regions in which they have a current subscription.
  • When selecting a new Data Year from the Regions page, the Regions search will reset and users will be able to select the Region again with the new data year. 
  • The International Product map view has been updated to include the following Regions: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malta. A bug was fixed so the International Region names on the map view are now consistent with the list view. 
  • A new demographic data set has been released for the U.S. Regions in Data Year 2020. This data can be found in the Region Details and Data Library sections of IMPLAN Cloud. Data release notes can be found here.
  • GAMS files are now exportable through the Regions Details page. Navigate to the Region Details of any selected Region and use the “Export” dropdown to select GAMS files.


  • Fixed a bug for the Canada Provincial Product in which the Data Year 2019 was defaulting to the 2017 Margins on the Impacts page.
  • The Detailed Multipliers table in Region Details now requires a user to specify an Industry.
  • The Event Template for the international data now defaults to Purchaser Price for Marginable Commodity Events if a user leaves the field blank.
  • Users now have the ability to delete multiple Events at the same time on the Impacts page. An update has been made to the support article Preparing and Entering Event Value that will explain how to delete multiple Events! 
  • There have been various updates to the Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) function within IMPLAN to help these projects run more efficiently.
  • The Group scaling feature Industry on Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event Types has been fixed such that when adding a whole number to the group scaling field on the Event, the scaling will now be applied properly. 

Spending Patterns

  • Spending Pattern behaviors have been updated for better performance:
    • The delete button for Commodities in a Spending Pattern has been moved under the more options icon.
    • The Local Purchase Percentage (LPP) field in Spending Patterns has been updated. Options are either SAM (Regional Purchase Coefficient) or a User Defined Value.
    • IMPLAN will automatically remove any negative Commodity percentage in a Spending Pattern, even if the Commodity was manually added or edited by a user.
  • Fixed a bug with edited Spending Patterns so now any edits made to a Spending Pattern will hold when the Event or Project has been duplicated. Any shared or transferred Projects will maintain edits made by the original owner, unless altered by a user. 

User Preferences

  • When changing Default Settings to a different Industry Set (546, 536, 37 INTL, or 235 CAN), the appropriate default Data Year will be applied automatically. For example, when selecting the 546 Industry Set, the default Data Year will be set to 2021. A user can overwrite these by selecting a different Default Data Year from the drop-down list.


Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 7.1 released on February 15, 2023.


  • IMPLAN is proud to announce we have released 2018 and 2019 Canada Provincial Data! For more information on this data, please reach out to your friendly Customer Success Manager, or email at support@implan.com.
  • Labels for the International Product and Canada Provincial Industry schemes have been updated in the application to better reflect the source data (OECD and StatsCan).
  • Updated Color Scheme for improved compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.


  • When Adding an Industry through Region Customization, the Employment value entered will automatically be split into Wage & Salary Employees and Proprietors using the national distribution for that Industry.


  • Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Events can now be uploaded via the Event Template. The default Spending Pattern will apply to each Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event, but the user may Edit the default Spending Pattern within the application.
  • A new warning has been added to the Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event Type.  If a user inputs “0” into the Employee Compensation or Proprietor Income field, IMPLAN will automatically add “0” for the corresponding Employment value. This also applies in the reverse, if the user inputs a “0” into the Wage & Salary Employment or Proprietor fields, IMPLAN will automatically add “0” for the corresponding Labor Income value. The user may overwrite the “0” value if desired.  
  • Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event Type has been enabled for IMPLAN Industries 539-546. Running an impact using this Event Type will not generate any Indirect Effects, as there are no Intermediate Inputs for these Industries.
  • Added a multi-select feature for Events on the Impacts page. In order to select multiple Events at one time, you can select individually using the check boxes or by holding down the shift and/or control keys on your keyboard. 
  • A user may now upload Industry Spending Pattern Events or Institutional Spending Pattern Events from the Event Template without including a list of Commodities purchased. In those instances, IMPLAN will use the default Spending Pattern for that Industry or Institution.
  • Added the ability to Preview Impacts of a Project’s Events before running the Project itself. This new Preview Impacts button is located next to the “Run” button on the Impacts page. This will allow the user to see the sum of Event values and Effects of any Events added to a Group. 


  • The 2017 Canada Provincial Margins have been updated to align with methodology used in the 2018 and 2019 Canada Provincial data.


  • When multiple users are connected to the same Shared Project, the correct “Active Editor” will be shown, notating which user has the access to make edits to the Project. 
  • When a user Edits Margins on an Industry or Commodity Event, the edits will transfer to a new Project if duplicated. To find out more about Editing Margins, please read our support site article here.


The User Preferences page has been updated to include the ability to set defaults for the “Industry Set” and “Aggregation Schemes”, including selections for the International Product and Canada Provincial sets (if purchased).


Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 7.0 released on December 14, 2022.


  • 2021 IMPLAN Data Year is now available in IMPLAN Cloud to all subscribing customers! 
  • Added further security enhancements in order to better protect our users' data.
  • Updated Color Scheme for improved compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • The app.IMPLAN.com domain has changed from auth0 to an IMPLAN domain. If a user has their IMPLAN password saved somewhere, they will likely need to enter their password again.


  • Changed a column name in Region Details > Social Accounts > Reports > Commodity Summary (Commodity Summary Table), from “Institutional Commodity Sales” to “Institutional Commodity Production” in an effort to be more consistent with naming conventions across IMPLAN Cloud.
  • Removed Occupation and Environmental tabs in the Region Details for Canada based Projects, as they are not currently available for these Regions.


  • Added a warning for when a user tries to run an Event in an Industry or Commodity that does not exist within a Region. This would previously return zero Results for the Event, which was the root of some confusion for users.
  • Improved reliability for Projects with multiple Industry Impact Analysis and/or Spending Pattern Events:
    • Increased capacity for number of Events
    • Reduced run time for such Projects
  • Applied a code modification to the Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) Analysis feature. Beginning on October 20, 2022, the MRIO feature was undercounting the first-round of Intermediate Input purchases - or supply chain purchases -  from any of the linked Regions in the analysis. This may have resulted in smaller Indirect and Induced Effects on projects run during that time period. The code modification resolved this issue. If you believe this may have impacted your Project Results, re-running the analysis will produce the correct results. 


  • Implemented the ability for users to apply a Dollar Year Filter to Download Results feature.
  • Removed Occupation and Environmental tabs in the Results for Canada based Projects, as they are not currently available for these Regions.
  • Updated the order of the tables on the Tax Results dashboard to be consistent with the Overview tab.


  • Added the ability to select multiple Projects on the Projects page in order to move into a folder.

Data Library

  • Titles of Location Quotient Tiles in Local Area Dashboards have been updated to include a warning against Exploring, as doing so can produce incorrect values.

User Preferences

  • Updated the order of the User Preference Menu dropdowns to flow more logically:
    • Data Year (ordered by most recent, descending) and Dollar year (ascending) 
    • Occupation Data Year is ordered descending
    • Occupation aggregation level is ordered ascending

Written August 30, 2023

Updated September 20, 2023