Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.9 released on October 20, 2022.


  • Version 6.9 has brought with it the release of the 2017 Canada Provincial Data! This data set includes 10 Canadian Provinces, and 3 Territories in addition to the national totals. With this data, users will be able to:
    • View and select Regions on the Canadian map
    • Combine and Customize Canadian Regions
    • Link multiple regions via MRIO
    • Run Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) and Industry/Institutional Spending Pattern Events
    • Create custom Aggregation Schemes
  • Updated Color Scheme for improved compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 
  • Added Occupation level defaults as an option in User Preferences.


  • Expanded Region List view Capabilities:
    • Added a multi-select view, single-select view, and ability to “add all” Regions to a Project
    • Added batch Region building, previously users would need to build one Region at a time with Custom Aggregation Schemes
    • Explore Region Details for the selected Regions while in Region list view.
    • Added the ability to view all previously created Combined and Customized Regions by selecting “My Regions” on the Region toggle
    • Added the ability to view MSA’s and Congressional Districts by State within the Region list 
    • Fixed a bug causing Data Year to not stick when toggling between Region list and Region map view
    • Added hover definitions to the Regions icons (map view, list view, my Regions)
    • Added the ability to rename and delete Combined and Customized Regions
  • Fixed a bug in the Region Details which was incorrectly displaying the Regional Purchase Coefficient (RPC) values for the Supply/Demand Ratio.
  • Added the ability for users to “Save” a Region to the Project without having to click “Create Impact".


  • Fixed a bug that was causing Industry data to be displayed in Commodity data tables when working outside of the 546 Unaggregated Industry Scheme.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Commodity Output Events to display Industries as specifications instead of Commodities when working outside of the 546 Unaggregated Industry Scheme.
  • Fixed a bug that was restricting users from utilizing the NAICS to IMPLAN Search when in the IMPLAN 536 Industry Aggregation Scheme.
  • Fixed a bug that was incorrectly allowing Indirect effects to be calculated for an Industry that had an Industry Contribution Analysis run in the same Group as an Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event.
  • Removed the ability for users to normalize the Margins for Retail/Wholesale Commodities for  both the IMPLAN 536 and 546 Aggregation Schemes.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Direct Effect Leakages to be incorrectly multiplied by the number of Regions included in an MRIO analysis.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing user specified LPP values to not be correctly applied to Commodity Output Events.


  • Gave users the ability to apply Dollar Year filters to downloaded Results - Previously, these Results would download in whichever Data Year the user had specified in their preferences.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Direct Leakages to not change with the Region filter on the Results screen.


  • Fixed a bug that was causing duplicated MRIO Projects to not have the MRIO checkbox selected on the Impacts screen. 

Data Library

  • In the Employment and Wages by NAICS (Imputed CEW data), updated CEW Disclosure Codes to only include the possible codes of 0 (publicly disclosed) and 1 (IMPLAN estimated).


Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.8 released on August 17th, 2022.


  • In order to become ADA compliant, IMPLAN began updating the application colors and text to WCAG 2.1 Level AA guidelines. Remaining work, including alternative text screen reader compatibility will be completed in an upcoming release.  In this release, we have updated the following pages and their color schemes:
    • IMPLAN Logo and Dashboard, Login Page, Projects Page, Impacts Page, Results Page, Data Library Page, and User Preferences Page
  • 2020 US Virgin Islands Data is now available to subscribing users.


  • Users now have the ability to build a United States model using a Custom Aggregation scheme. After creating a Custom Aggregation scheme, the user can enter “United States” in the search bar, and click on the gold Region Details icon to build the region. 


  • A warning message was applied to the ‘Reset’ option on the Edit Margins feature within Commodity and Industry Events. The warning alerts users that all default values will be restored if they proceed.
  • The Event Template has been updated. The Industry and Institution Spending Pattern sheets now allow users to select any Data Year from 2001-2020.
  • The Event Template can now be used to upload Industry based Event Types with any Industry Aggregation Scheme. Previously, a processing error would misallocate the Industry codes when a user had built a project using a Custom Aggregation Scheme or used one of the pre-built NAICS schemes.
    • NOTE - Currently, this only works on Industry based Events, the Commodity Output Events are not working in the same fashion. Please refer to the Support Site Article for more guidelines. 
  • A bug was fixed with the Industry Contribution Analysis (ICA) Event Type. Previously, when running an ICA Event in a Multi-Regional Analysis (MRIO), buybacks were not restricted to the Industry from the linked Region.


  • Fixed a bug that showed duplicated Regions in the Results Filter.

  • Updated the Direct Effect Leakages tile to include calculations for the Institution Spending Pattern Events.

  • Removed the Totals column from the Environmental Summary Results.

Data Library

  • 2021 CEW data was added to the Data Library.



Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.7 released on June 8, 2022.


User Preferences

  • Data year Preferences terminology has been updated to be clearer on System Defaults.
    • Data Year default setting: changed “Most Recent Data Year” option to “System Default (YYYY)”.
    • Data Year default setting: changed “Default Occupation Data Year” option to “System Default (YYYY)”.


  • Fixed a bug that was allowing users to search for Metropolitan Statistical Areas from the Region search when utilizing Industry Aggregation schemes other than the standard IMPLAN 546. 
    • MSA’s are not supported in non default aggregation schemes as of IMPLAN Version 6.7.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing users from reusing Project names from deleted Projects.
  • Regions Commodity Summary - column previously labeled as “Net Commodity Supply” has been updated to “Local Use of Local Supply”, which is equivalent to the following:
    • Industry Commodity Production + Institutional Commodity Production - Foreign Exports - Domestic Exports = Total Commodity Supply - Foreign Exports - Domestic Export = Total Commodity Supply - Total Exports
  • Region List - updated to include States, Provinces, Districts, and Territories. 


  • Drum roll please…users are now able to Edit Margins within the IMPLAN Application! Edit Margins for Commodity and Industry Events from within your Impacts screen at the Event level. 
  • Methodology update in Commodity Events (using Purchaser Price) changing the LPP on each of the margined Commodities from always using 100% (despite any edits) to now defaulting to SAM and being editable. This will change the results for any Commodity Event Types if they are re-run. Check out the details in the article Local Purchase Percentage (LPP) & Regional Purchase Coefficients (RPC).
  • NAICS Lookup added to Industry Events - if using the NAICS to IMPLAN bridge is part of your IMPLAN ritual, this one’s for you! We’ve now incorporated it into the Event Specification dropdown menu so you can now search for your 6-Digit NAICs and bridge it to an IMPLAN sector that will be applied directly to your Event.
  • Accessibility improvements to selected Events and icons - As part of an ongoing accessibility initiative to ensure that the IMPLAN Application is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, we have updated the selected event color and icon color.  
  • Event Tags updates - the users spoke and we listened. Event tags have now been expanded to 100 tags per Project. To make them even easier to utilize, we’ve updated from a color indicated tag system to a numerical tag system. The number in the tag represents the number of tags associated with that event. 
    • Quick tip: if you want to apply the exact same tags to multiple events, select the events which you’d like the tags to apply to, then apply all of the necessary tags to one of the selected events. Upon clicking ‘Confirm’ the tags will automatically be applied to the other selected events. 
  • Changing the Event Specification now resets the Margins to default instead of maintaining the hidden choice.


  • Tired of having to identify and explain to your end users why their direct input and direct output are not the same? Well then this new feature is just for you! Now located on your Results screen is the Leakages of Direct Effects. 
    • This is only calculated for Wholesale and Retail Industry Output Events, Commodity Events, and Institution Spending Patterns.
    • Also note that if your Data & Dollar Year do not match (on the Impacts and Results screens), your inputs and Direct Results/leakages will not match perfectly due to differences in inflators and deflators.  


  • Keeping with the theme of making your everyday life simpler, we’ve added the ability to place a project directly into a folder when the project is created on the Projects or Industry Aggregation screens.
  • Project Count in Folders will now include subfolders as a part of the count.
  • Duplicating a Project will now include Event Tags.
    • Quick tip: Have you ever created a tagging system that your team member is itching to utilize in an upcoming project? Simply duplicate the Project and ask your CSM to transfer the duplicate to your team member. While you’re at it, if you’re interested in increasing your collaboration within IMPLAN’s cloud solution, talk to your CSM about becoming part of our User Testing Group for an upcoming new feature allowing project sharing across accounts. Accounts must have 3 or more users to qualify. 

Data Library

  • Default Dollar Year has now been set to 2022. 



Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.6 released on April 14th, 2022.

Occupation Data

  • 2020 Occupation Data has been added to Data Library, Regions, and Impacts allowing users studying the 2020 Data Set to apply latest Occupation Data to their project.


  • In Region Details, the Commodity Summary fields have added hover text labels for smaller screen resolutions.

  • In Region Details, The Commodity Summary field “Net Commodity Supply Change” has been updated to calculate the value as “Total Commodity Supply - Foreign and Domestic Exports” and re-labeled as “Local Use of Local Supply”.


  • Event Tags limit has increased from 8 to 16.

  • A few bugs were fixed on the Event Template upload of the Commodity Output sheet.

    • The Local Purchase Percentage field will now automatically default to 100% if left blank, instead of 1%.

    • The Margin field will automatically default to Purchaser Price if left blank and provide the user with a warning.

    • If a user selects Purchaser or Producer on a non-marginable Commodity, the Event template will upload the Commodity Event with no margins after giving the user a warning. Margins are only applicable for a Commodity that can be sold via a retailer or wholesaler. 


  • A Download feature has been added to the Results menu. Users will now be able to Download the following results directly to CSV:
    • Summary Economic Indicators by Impact Type
    • Detailed Economic Indicators by Industry 
    • Summary Taxes by Impact Type
    • Detailed Taxes by Federal and State and Local


  • Users may now create Folders and move Projects to these folders to allow for better organizing their projects page.

Data Library

  • In the Footprint section, the title of the dashboard has been updated to reflect a 10 year trend instead of a year range for “Jobs by Industry / Occupation 10 Year Trends”.
  • In the Footprint section, State Wage and Salary Share percentage have been added to Jobs by Industry / Occupation 10 Year Trends.
  • The Occupation levels have been set to Occupation Level 3 in all pre-built dashboards to be consistent across Data Library.
  • A bug was fixed on the Industry based Labor Income, any look or dashboard will now show a value even when one of it’s components is null.
  • A bug was fixed in the Footprint section, Jobs by Industry/ Occupation and Top Industry/Occupation were overstating values when the Occupation Level filter was not applied.



Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.5 released on March 2nd, 2022. 

New Features

  • Total Value Added (TVA) Multipliers and Total Value Added (TVA) per Million Dollar Effects have been added to the Multipliers drop down menu in Region Details.
  • Buckle up! IMPLAN has been optimized to run a 51 state MRIO analysis! In fact, you will notice all of your MRIO projects running significantly faster.
  • You are now able to change the default settings for Data Year, Dollar Year, and Occupation Data Year in User Preferences. Once these settings have been defined, they will be reflected when you first navigate to the Regions, Impacts, and Results sections. 


  • A bug was fixed where previously if a user edited the per worker values, then edited the Employment value, the customizations on the per Worker were removed. Now, those per worker values remain constant regardless of whether or not they were edited.
  • When Customizing a Region, you can now use the arrow keys to select an Industry.
  • The 500 row limit has been removed which allows a user to download the full “Household Industry Demand” from the Industry Accounts in Region Details.
  • An incorrect error message when uploading Labor Income and Household Income Events from the Event Template was removed. Now users will only see correct error messages when uploading the Event Template.
  • When Customizing a Region, the user now has the ability to lock and unlock the per worker values.
  • The line for "Corporate Profits Tax" has now been renamed "OPI: Corporate Profits Tax" for additional clarity.
  • In Region Details > Study Area Data > Area Demographics, a column was added to the Households table to show the percent of the total for each level of Household earning groups.
  • On the Results screen, the filter for Event Tags now shows them in alphabetical order.
  • A bug was fixed that would occasionally display a different region name on the Impacts page than was selected on the Regions page. Existing group names created while this bug was in place may need to be corrected manually, but new projects should be correct going forward.


  • A bug was fixed that would occasionally display a different region name on the Impacts page when using Combined Regions than was selected on the Regions page. Existing group names created while this bug was in place may need to be corrected manually, but new projects should be correct going forward.  
  • A bug was fixed in the Industry Impact Analysis (Detailed) Event that improperly redistributed the Total Employment to Wage & Salary Employment and Proprietor Employment when all three values for Employment were entered. The same was true for improper allocations of Employee Compensation and Proprietor Income when all three values for income were entered. All values are now being allocated correctly.  
  • IMPLAN will now alert users that there is a parent - child relationship in a project using an MRIO and will not allow the project to run. For example, you can’t run an MRIO with one county in the state and the full state (as the full state contains that county).



Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.4 released on November 10th, 2021. 


  • In Region Details, we added a hover “tooltip” that gives the full name of the column that is being cutoff in the Occupation Summary table.
  • A filter has been added for the Occupation Data Year to the Occupation tab in the Region Details.


  • Fixed the Event Tags option so that tags are no longer removed from previously entered Events when a user uploads an Event Template.
  • Eliminated the 2018 and 2019 Spending Patterns from the Event Type menu. The Event Type Menu now lists one option for the Industry Spending Pattern and one option for the Institution Spending Pattern. A new field was added to the Advanced Menu option to specify the dataset/year for each of these Event Types. By default, IMPLAN will choose the latest dataset year unless specified by a user.
  • Updated the Event Template to add data validation requirements.
    • On the Commodity tab, users must enter a valid Commodity code between 3001-3546 and enter a percentage value in the Local Purchase Percentage field. 
    • On the Industry Spending Pattern and Institution Spending Pattern tabs, users must enter a valid Commodity code between 3001-3546 and enter a percentage value in the Percentage field.


  • A filter has been added for the Occupation Data Year on the Occupation tab of the Results page.


  • Fixed a bug with the Aggregation Scheme selection when using the New Project button in the User Preferences page.


  • A new Dashboard entitled Footprints, has been added to the Data Library. The dashboard includes a Footprint Overview, Footprint by State, Jobs by Industry/Occupation, and Top Industry/Occupation.
  • A filter has been added for the Occupation Data Year on all Occupation Data sets in the Data Library. 



Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.3 released on October 6th, 2021. 


  • The full IxI and IxC SAM can now be downloaded from Region Details
  • Regions are now hierarchical when searching 


  • Added new Event Type: Industry Impact Analysis (detailed). This Event allows users to input any or all of the following: Employment - Wage & Salary and Proprietor, Employee Compensation, Proprietor Income, Labor Income, Intermediate Inputs, Taxes on Production & Imports, Other Property Income, and Output. 
  • Added Event Tags that can help organize Events on the Impacts screen. 
  • Created an updated and simpler Event Template which includes Industry Spending Patterns, Institutional Spending Patterns, and Industry Contribution Analysis. 
  • Previously the “Select All Events" checkbox remained selected even if the user removed the selection of any Event in the Events section. Now once all events have been deselected the box is no longer checked
  • Fixed the issue of the “spinny wheels” when scrolling through long lists of impacts
  • Fixed the “select event” and “deselect event” button on the advanced event menu
  • Warning added to deny MRIO between the US and the US Territories
  • Warning added to that Combined Regions cannot be created from Customized Regions 
  • The following Commodities were removed as they are defined as “not a unique commodity” and therefore would not process:
    • 3040 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from fossil fuels)
    • 3041 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from nuclear)
    • 3042 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from solar)
    • 3043 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from wind)
    • 3044 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from geothermal)
    • 3045 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from biomass)
    • 3046 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from all other sources)
    • 3169 * Not a unique commodity (fertilizer mixing)
    • 3216 * Not a unique commodity (iron, steel pipes and tubes from purchased steel)
    • 3217 * Not a unique commodity (rolled steel shapes)
    • 3220 * Not a unique commodity (secondary smelting and alloying of aluminum)
    • 3527 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from fed govt utilities)
    • 3529 * Not a unique commodity (passenger transit by state govt)
    • 3530 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from state govt utilities)
    • 3532 * Not a unique commodity (passenger transit by local govt)
    • 3533 * Not a unique commodity (electricity from local govt utilities)


  • Added new drop down menu from the Summary Tab that shows Results by Group, Region, and Event
  • Clarified terminology on Tax Results to include where the tax is coming from (EC, TOPI, OPI, and Personal Tax)
  • Consolidated the Occupation Tabs in the Navigation Bar to one dropdown menu consisting of Impact, Impact Averages, and Core Competency. Also changed “Tax Results” to “Tax” on the Navigation Bar


  • On the Local Area tab, a third column was added to the Location Quotient (LQ) tiles for Employment. It now contains Output, Employment, and Value Added.
  • The quarterly growth tile on the Local Area tab is now displaying a percentage and not a decimal.
  • The 2021 Q1 data has been added.


Here are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.2 released on June 23, 2021. 


  • Industry Averages are now available to all users in Region Details > Study Area Data
  • On the Occupation Data tab, two title changes were made
    • “Area Occupation Summary”  is now “Region Occupation Summary”
    • “Area Occupation Averages” is now “Region Occupation Averages”
  • Minor bug fixes to improve overall navigation


  • The order of Event Types has been updated as follows:
    • Industry Output
    • Industry Employment
    • Industry Employee Compensation
    • Industry Proprietor Income
    • Industry Contribution Analysis
    • Commodity Output
    • Labor Income
    • Household Income
    • 2018 Industry Spending Pattern
    • 2019 Industry Spending Pattern
    • 2018 Institution Spending Pattern
    • 2019 Institution Spending Pattern
  • Minor bug fixes to improve overall functionality


  • Minor bug fix affecting Direct Tax Impacts where some components of Value Added were mis categorized as Employee Compensation


  • Users now have the ability to multi-filter environmental results as well as a total section at the bottom of the tables
  • Added Impact Type filter to Environmental Results tab

Data Library

  • When a user creates and saves either a Dashboard or a Look, the saved item now automatically appears on the page without having to refresh the browser
  • A new Dashboard entitled Local Area, has been added
  • Users now have the ability to show or hide quarterly data from the visualizations on all pre-built dashboards
  • Users now have the ability to access their most prevalent dashboards from their Data Library navigation menu
  • Added filters for Trade Flow data


Below are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.1 released on May 12, 2021. 


  • The new Region List is available to make Combining Regions even easier with detailed error messages 
  • Improvements to the county search and selection
  • Fixed labels in Region Details > Multipliers > Per Million Dollar Effects


  • A new button has been added to lock or unlock all Events
  • Duplicated Events are now unlocked by default
  • Run button changes color when Events have been added to Groups and the analysis is ready to run
  • Spending Pattern Events have been optimized
  • A new warning was added when the sum of the percentages in the Advanced Menu is more than 100%


  • The order of the Filters on the Tax Results tab now matches the order on the other tabs
  • The Filter now displays the Events in the order they were entered on the Impacts screen, instead of in alphabetical order

Data Library (Limited Access) 

  • General information about our new Data Library offering can be found on our support site in the article IMPLAN Data Library. For information on adding this to your subscription, please email support@implan.com
  • IMPLAN’s Data Library is now embedded in the application
  • 2020 Q4 Data has been added

Data Access

  • IMPLAN Version 5 has been decommissioned



April 1, 2021 marks the switch from V5 to V6 as the default setting. You can still pop back to V5 if you want, but note that it will be retired soon. All of your impacts from V5 will now exist in both V5 and V6. Learn more about V6 in the article Introduction to Version 6.


6.0.25 RELEASE

This week there was only one product improvement released on March 25, 2021.


  • The summed State + Local Tax table was removed from the Tax Results tab


6.0.24 RELEASE

Below are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.0.24 released on March 17, 2021. Version 5 will still be the default while the finishing touches are being added TO V6.


  • Performance improvements for Industry Aggregation in V5 and V6
  • Updated dashboards in Region Details and Results in V5 and V6
  • Industry Aggregation released for V6


6.0.23 RELEASE

Guess what? The 2019 Data is now the default in IMPLAN! Below are the official IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.0.23 released on February 17, 2021. 

New Features


6.0.22 RELEASE

IMPLAN is always working to improve our software to not only make it easier to use, but to also add new features. Below are the IMPLAN production release notes for version 6.0.22 released on February 10, 2021. 


  • Performance Improvement for building combined regions of 200+ counties
  • Updated Regions Overview
    • Renamed "Model Year" as "Data Year"
    • Removed "Area Count"
    • Added Average Employee Compensation Per Wage & Salary Employee (dividing Total EC by Total W&S Employment)
    • Added Average Proprietor Income Per Proprietor (dividing Total Proprietor Income by Total Proprietors)
  • Fixed issue where unbuilt regions were not populating on the Impacts screen when clicking “Create Impacts” or “Add to Impacts”



  • Added 2019 Industry Spending Patterns and 2019 Institutional Spending Patterns
  • Fixed issue of multiple Groups with Spending Patterns not starting analysis

Data Access

  • Improved performance in building of new Regions


Written February 9, 2021

Updated October 20, 2022